With the recent resurgence in mining industry the time is now to gain the mechanical advantage you need to perform above the rest. Prime Gear & Machine has the reputation for manufacturing our products to your exact specifications.

Such large mining operations, rely heavily on a healthy manufacturing industry for support. There can be no stopping of operations and mines churn through manufactured components due to the harsh environment. So a strong supply chain of CNC machining companies is vital.

The importance of maintaining production at all costs means that these parts need to be of the highest quality, and also be readily available. Such a reliance has created a flexible, adaptable, competitive domestic CNC machining sector. A sector all domestic manufacturers should draw upon for machined parts.

Advantages of CNC Machined Parts for the Mining Industry

CNC machined parts offer a range of advantages for heavy duty mining equipment, such as:

Mines cannot afford downtime; mere hours can result in millions of dollars in losses. Therefore, there is no time for manually machined or cast parts.

Despite the emphasis on production, safety is always the No.1 priority. As such, all parts need to meet a stringent set of quality requirements. No other technology can generate quality repeatedly and reliably like CNC machining.

A dialled in CNC machine can produce hundreds or even thousands of parts per production run. No other heavy engineering technology can meet this production cadence.

One off emergency or custom parts do not require re-tooling, as is often the case with injection molding or other mass production technologies.

Parts can be designed in a CAD package and can be made ready for machining in very little time and all by the same person. This all-digital workflow dramatically increases efficiency.

Typical Parts for the Mining Industry

The mining industry is incredibly complex and has a long list of processes to reach the final product. The shear number of machines that are used on a typical mine is staggering, a list of every part that can benefit from CNC machining would be far too long for a single article, however the list below gives a general idea of the types of parts that can be manufactured using CNC machines.

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